? ??????????????Basement Glowing? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (4 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 5160 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Short Circut? ????? ?? ???Rating: 5.0 (2 Ratings)??2 Grabs Today. 1414 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ???? BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, 28 May 2009


Ugh, I guess that the title is self explanatory right? I don't need to go into details. I should also mention drunk twittering, it is certainly not advisable to drink and tweet and IM at the same time. Why? Complete mental inaptitude. Anyhoo, after spending a glorious day in London with my best friend Emma who is very clever indeed and doing medicine at Kings (sorry Em's had to get that in-and follow me FFS!!) we both fel into the trap of tweeting whilst inebriated. Following the trend for #threewords during/aftersex. Hmmm, say no more. Needless to say the replies we both received this morning were quite funny..... I know for a fact that my Australian ladies are hard asses at drunk tweeting and they do it with a flair and hilarity. I'm not that good....shamefully....

Another bad habit we all have it pyjama tweeting. I've quite happily spent the day with Mac on knee, in my PJ's tweeting away. Ooops....and I do have a life honest!


I hear beats drone in my bones,
My world is alive with sparks
of neon colours floating and exploding
Spinning in easiness, happy,
More drink please.
I love everyone around me,
Touching is easy when your liberated
Of the walls and rules that
Bind you to daylight
I don't feel shy, I shake my hair loose
And strands fly everywhere
More drink please.
We are dancing arms flailing,
Minds and bodies coordinated
To the beat of the drum
Loosing my balance,
My feet have a life of their own.
I've lost me shoes?
More drink please
Who's dancing there behind me?
I don't have a clue,
I don't really care,
My visions askew
Get your hands of my boy
If you value your life
More drink please.
I'm pulled into a taxi
And given some....food?
Where did it come from?
Where are we.....going?
Who....am I again?
hmmmm...more drink please
I wake in the morning
The place is a mess
My heads screaming at me
I'm still in my dress
I run to the bathroom
A date with the sink
Left asking the question
How much did I drink?

Sunday, 24 May 2009

My twitter ladies.....

Ok so something bad happened. For those who I've told you know and I don't need to be telling everyone. After that it was sort of limbo for me until I found twitter. On twitter I found some of the most brilliant and fantastic people I have ever met. People that I would gladly do favours for. Girls and boys you know who you are. This poetry and the poetry on my other blog has just come out of me since twitter. Bizarre? Yes, but I'm happy to have my poetry demon back again. Even though he keeps me up all night some nights-he's the only man that can!!

So some post tweeting poetry for you dedicated to all my girls and boys:

To and unknown soldier
I have been numb for so long,
Unfeeling, hard, stolen so young
Cold unwanted untouched and unloved,
Young but so old
Carrying the weight of so many
On my small shoulders
I scream and no one hears
I cry and no one cares
I slip into her icy fingers
too readily, giving myself up forever
wanting to disappear
Willing myself into the black.
Then you came
Erasing my doubt, my fears dissipating
In the morning light
You raised me up where I needed to be
Higher than I have ever been before
Letting me float in the breeze
And hope that somehow you
loved me.
Still I am doubtful
I ruin kindness and I run
from the unknown
Afraid to commit too much
Of a part of my heart that is closed
Afraid to uncap the hurt I have
to pour on another
The hurt that I have lived with
for a long time
Patience and understanding
Is unknown to me thus far
As no one ever touched the me
I ruined from the start.
My Vampires
We talk in many languages
We never break the peace
We always see our solitude
As wonderful release
Were ancient as the monoliths
The burial mounds of old
Were glorious as the sunrises
And barley fields of Gold
We move in silent reverie
In whispers on the wind
Were many whom are virtuous
And many who have sinned.
We know of your distractions
The yearnings and the lust
You mortal men just live a while
Before you turn to dust
You dare to think us lonely
Were One my dear you see
You think us passing nomads
But we are really free
Were called by many adjectives
For we have no true name
The truth in honest daylight
Is that we are all the same.
The Quiet One
You see my facade
The bright energetic reverence
You look at the mask
the daily application of face
heart on sleeve
No deeper
You laugh at the jokes
Naive but humorous
Happy, but dying inside
Did you ever wander
Whatever lay beneath
what stirs in weeping willows
And shadows of the lush green trees
Did you bother looking
In the bright azure eyes?
For hopeful reassurance
Did you see the lies?
Can you hear the quiet one?
Does she even speak?
My voice is lost in mono drone
A macabre dance
one step forwards and three steps back
Scratching the surface
Truth becomes your lie
Did you ask the questions of
the one in reverie?
What are you tomorrow?
What do you mean to me?
For I am the quiet one
just longing to exist
My hands on either side of me
Just balled into a fist
I hide in many corners
I wait for peaceful times
He'll come and take my mask away
And ease me of my crimes
Whilst others overlook me
And undermine and fear,
The quiet little country girl
Is getting very near
It's not a threat of anarchy
There will not be a fight
If you looked into my eyes
You would have seen I'm right
I am the quiet one
You misunderstood
I took off my mask
And raised up my hood
YOU asked the wrong questions
I told you no lies
You thought that you knew me
So now it's goodbye.
Virtual Reality
I open my heart
On a regular basis
I uncover my soul
But I am in stasis
My life is laid out
In a few random bytes
For all to uncover
In monitor lights
Uncover too much
In this virtual world
A person in transit
All hopes are unfurled
But questions arise as to
Who's being "real"
Who's pushing the buttons
And making you feel?
And so it feels oddly
So lost on so few
It gives us an insight
Of who's really who
And if your already
A little confused
It feeds paranoia
And mayhem ensues
Because there are players
Apart from the game
And lurkers and Stalkers
And those with NO name
Who try to deceive you
And make you a fool
Who try to befriend you
And break every rule
This is the world
Of virtual reality
Soon trailing off
To sublime insanity
Where you could become
Someone your not
The world of the sleepless
The world of the bot
Before I write a eulogy
To one who was so great
Allow me a few tears as I stand by your grave,
The flowers in my hands
Will soon turn to dust
The car that you left me will soon turn to rust
You left me with something
More precious than these
So allow me please to shed some of my tears
I know that you loved me
Your one of the few
The grass on your graveside is covered in dew
The memories are golden
Your light was so bright
Even the few hours before you lost the fight
A short time I knew you
You were stolen away
In the heatwave last year in that bad month of May
I remember your cuddles
I remember your laughs
I even remember how you cheated at cards,
You taught me of fast cars
You taught me respect,
You made me a person I hope is adept.
But I miss you daddy
As I stand by your grave
The loss hits me harder that a gigantic wave
I fell so alone now
It feels very wrong
Without you to guide me I'm loosing my song
So I lay the flowers
And kiss your headstone
And tell you I'm sorry to leave you alone
I take with me the memories
And lock them away
With the sound of your laughter I'll share it someday
I've failed to encompass
In these few odd lines
How fantastic my daddy was in his time
You left and a darkness
Surrounded my heart
I'm sorry to tel you it tore me apart
I'm hoping your proud of me
Wherever you are
I still bring you flowers I now DRIVE the car
The darkness that came
Well, it's gradually lifting
And now when I talk I'm certain your listening
If you are out there
Just know that I cared
I couldn't stay with you till you were not there
I wanted the laughter
To stay in my head
Not the dad that lay there in that hospital bed
So I'll say adieu now
I love you so much
I'll carry you with me in writing and such
And please keep your music
And laughter, just near
Because these are the things that your beanie held dear.

So here goes......

I used to write tonnes, but this time last year I had a bit of a hard time and I completely lost all incentive to get pen to paper. I'm now getting back to normal, and have started writing again. Some of my poems are dark, I've been told that they are heavy on imagery. Most of them are about coping with depression/relationships, some of them are comedy. Mostly it's just my life....in words.

oh legalities-don't copy paste and share these because some of them are printed and or pending copyright ok?

From birth she has been there
Clutching me to her bosom
Her immortal love too much to comprehend
She is the bearer of my grief
Tears have fallen
Of joy, loneliness, compassion
Unyielding icon of my dreams and fears,
Calling me with her logical wisdom
Hands caressing and loving
Increasing the white sheet of my short life
Cleansing my stains
Healing my wounds
Stitching the deep cuts of life's burden
Lovingly she rejoices
what she has produced flowers
she watches with pride,
Hands in lap, she smiles, knowingly
From Rhiannon and Matholwch
to this
Troubled fairy tales of a branded age.
Mabinogion and tradition disappear in
a seemingly modern time
"How quaint your accent sounds"
Thanks, my forefathers were slain unmercifully
for this quaint accent
"Gosh how very appropriate"
Harsh to strangers unaccustomed ears
Crammed with consonants
Unregistered language-be gone with your traditions
Your jumping over broomsticks and dancing in clogs
Go, disappear into the mists of time
Like your Bendigeidfran like Your Matholwch
An Alien nation
A patch of putrid earth
The maggots have set in the foundations
Whilst untouched poppies waver in the breeze
Another undiscovered civilisation
Cultured to perfection
Naked here
The clothes that God gave me
Here for everyone to stare
I am do different
Faltering and wavering
Enraptured in the harsh
reality that I have been placed here
Knowing that I am the same
Yet different
why was I made
Like this?
Yearning for normality
Accepting nothing
Knowing all.
Fingers are pointing
I am as you willed me
Yet strange to others
Enchained for too long
by the hands that cherished
my being
The same
yet different
Some still love me
Even when exposed
Ok these are some of the oldies. A work in progress. I'll post some of the newer ones now. I have over 2000 pieces so I apologise in advance if there's a lot of scrolling involved.
oh I found a funny one I'll dedicate this one to Aimee because I love you and your twitter stalking!!
Love is
If this is love I'll scream and shout
This last kiss put the fires out
Your grumpy face and smelly socks
Mount Etna babe has lost her rocks.
If this is love I'll bawll and cry
I'll stick a needle in my eye
Your constant farts and drinking beer
These habits boy are very queer.
If this is love I'll wail and moan
I'd rather be just left alone
You pick your toes and eat the dirt
And expect me then to woo and flirt
If this is love I'll eat my hat
As you parade your rippling fat
And I'll just put my pj's on
for keeping warm is much more fun
If this is love, it's not for me
I'd rather watch f1 grand prix
Or watch the footy on tv
If this is love I'm running free
Ok after reading that you can tell I haven't met the right person pmsl.

What is this all about?

Ok, so I decided to start a poetry blog. Why? Because I thought it would be good for my mortal soul? Nah, I just wanted to be able to share a bit about my life with some of the people whom I've met on my twitter travels.

Who am I?

My name is Bethan, I'm 18 and I live in North Wales. I have wanted to be a writer since I was about 3 I can't remember ever wanting to do anything else. I write everything down. I have diaries from the age of 5 upwards. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to things and that is probably my greatest fault. I'm just finishing up my A levels at the moment. In this country Our finals are spread over two years in Units. Exams are usually taken in January and May/June. The subject I am taking are Music, English, Drama. I'm painfully shy, so God knows why I decided to do Drama. I do channel my characters quite often so it was scary in my final drama practical to channel Lady Macbeth. But hey it was fun while it lasted. I'm the youngest child I have an older sister who is 13 years older than me. I'm a twitter aholic. You can catch me at www.twitter.com/bethanpie or www.twitter.com/celticgirl1913. The latter address is a Twilight RPG page so expect me to be drinking blood, driving fast cars and being generally moody and vampy. This blog is for my twitter friends mainly, please feel free to leave comments or even your own poetry. I have been accepted to the Guild Hall University of the Performing Arts in London and depending on my grades I'm going there at the end of September, to study dramatic and creative writing and media.
What I like
Books, mad people, writing (obviously), keeping busy, creativity, art, music music music, F1 with a passion, clothes mainly jeans, twitter, toffee apples, horses, being a hippy, Singing, playing guitar, piano, flute, walking my stupid dog, tattoos, sarcasm,dreaming.
What I dislike
Dishonesty, fake people, control freaks, bullies, money, ignorance,