This blog is meant to be all about coping with depression, but to be honest the last few weeks have seen very little to be depressive about. To be completely honest to call myself a Social Introvert isn't fair, I am introverted but more so over the last 16 months. I have a good Social life and good friends to be sure. I am suffering from a form of depression which means that I have to take a Serotonin enhancer as my brain does not produce enough of the happy stuff. I used to be very sure of where I stood on relationships, i.e. don't bother and get on with your life until either you get too old to bother about it or you end up living in a caravan with 15 cats. Please see the previous comments made about relationships. The last few weeks I haven't really felt depressed. It's been uncommonly good. I'm not sure if I am seeing a light at the end of a very long tunnel.
Imagine being in a dark room it is quiet and still but uncertain. This is depression. You don't know what's behind, what's in front and what's to the sides. Your stuck in a form of stasis. You can't move forward as it is warm and comfortable in the dark, and you're afraid of tripping over. You can't go back because you can never reclaim what has been. Sometimes it takes bravery to step forward into the unknown. Bravery and a touch of random stupidity can lead to a break in the darkness, some light through the cloud cover. Anyone who has known depression will understand how debilitating it is, it doesn't matter how old you are, it drags you down. I hope that continues, I've heard that people have relapses. That scares me.
I noticed this change when my poetry started changing, it wasn't as dark as previous poetry I had written and it's very strange seeing something almost light flowing from your pen. It was almost dare I say it...happy
My ray of sunshine came in the form of a very special person. Those of you who know me know of this person. I would just like to take the time and say thanks, as I said the night before I'm not sure what's going on here but I like it! I appreciate everything about you, from your acceptance of my random being to my random music. I'm glad you found me. Long may it continue.
More is said in silence, Words are set in stone
Preparing ourselves for the great unknown
Future is a bright hope, roads are always long,
Thinking of a path, even though it may be wrong.
Smiling in the morning, once it was too hard,
Feeling almost nothing was on the daily cards,
Since words have come in whispers, and you have shone that light
Smiling comes so easily, the sun's not too bright.
Mulling on our choices,looking for reprieve,
then come silent whispers, words carry you to me,
Hoping once more, I dare to have a dream,
And step into reality, things are what they seem.
This rottenness which wore away the happiness in me
It's slowly coming to it's end and all around can see
The comfort in those whispered words, has healed a lot of pain
And from this moment on, things will rarely be the same.
For more is said in silence, words are set in stone
know this, and it is from the heart, your never quite alone,
Whenever darkness comes for you, I hope it never will,
I'll do my best to be there too, to help you through the mill.
When words can touch a tortured soul, release them from the dark
Then words that whisper on the breeze are truly works of heart.
Amongst the rocks and ruined ravages
A life was almost lived,
the lonely days of Bedouins
the explorer, the traveller the thief.
The scavenger looks into the sun
He must be moving on
From these arid rocks and ruins
He hears a mountain song.
What journey there awaits him?
What brings him to his knees?
Amongst the rocks and ruins
He's no reason to believe
In anything, anyone a Deity
In anything bigger than
What he holds in his two hands
Sifting through his fingers,
Meaningless grains of sand
What stirs inside his memory
Under that blazing sun?
Something he lost or where he begun?
He raises his weathers worn hands to his face
His fingers are leathery and long.
There within the rocks and ruins
He sobs into the desert
Anger, yells, shudders he stops.
Here she lies. My lover. My friend.
The one who understood
She was me, she was my good
He raises slightly from his hunch
Whipped by the cruel sand fuelled winds
The bedouin stands, wipes his weary eyes
Protects himself from the onslaught.
Amongst the rocks and ruins
Lays his sanctity. Dry bones.
Now he leaves. He is truly alone.
You crept as silently as a spider
Into my life
Asking the questions, knowing me
And nothing about me
You dared to delve into the darkest of corners
You opened the door
I wanted to explore
I trusted you, misled
I let you in
When I had kept "me" sheltered
Protected so long in my home made cocoon.
I thought you stronger
But you are weak
And now you close the door
Left me feeling like I was wrong
I'm just angry
You lied to me
Was it easy to be false?
To promise everything and deliver nothing?
To promise friendship and then close the barrage?
Bring down your walls of self preservation.
I doubt you were ever the one
You tried to be
The one who thought it funny to
deceive me
If this is what you wanted you
What did you want?
To brake me in some way?
What did you want?
To make a fool of me?
What did you want from me?
To make me love you?
In that mind, what turns?
As my last image of you burns
What sis you want?
I no longer care.
This last poem is written specifically at someone who was a part of my life until just recently and proved to be as you can read rather a disappointing friend. As this person will probably never read this blog, I would like to say have a nice life, don't come troubling me again. Your loss :)
I'm so glad that you're feeling better. Your description of depression is pretty spot-on, at least for me. It is very comfy in the dark, sitting in one spot, not having to move. It's so scary to have to move forward, but when we make ourselves, that's when break-throughs happen. I hope it continues for you! *hugs from across the pond*
I don't have personal experience but that description is one of the most interesting I've heard; really hammers it home! Great poetry, as always, but that goes without saying!
Oh, and you're more than welcome :)
I really want to know who this person is and to shake his/her hand. I have been reading ur poetry from the begonnong and as an artist myself I know how you get taken over by such things. I've sent you some of my stuff to the email on one of your previos posts. Glad to hear things are grtting better for you babe, keep at it. Send me an email back if you like what u see
Thank you everyone for your comments. Yes life is better and LeLe thanks for your big American hugs, they alwyas do the trick. Ali, just thank :) Dan your work is amazing, if you don't show it already it should be shown. And thank you for your kind email.
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